Friday, November 11, 2016

Hillary Clinton is Amazing!

OK, let the invective begin.  I know I’ll hear it from all sides but that’s OK.  If you really don’t like it or find it offensive, that’s OK too.  I’m sure you know how to block posts or unfriend people.

Here’s the thing.  Hillary Clinton is amazing!  Whether you’re about to scream outraged disagreement from the right or from the left, that doesn’t make her any less amazing.  I say this as someone who didn’t even want her to run.  Not because she wasn’t qualified, but because I wanted a younger generation of leadership in the White House.  For 30 years the right has been demonizing her with innuendo, exaggeration and outright lies to the point that they actually believe she is the devil incarnate.  Many millions of dollars have been spent investigating every possible little crack in her public life and what has been found?  Nothing.  Nada.  But that inconvenient fact doesn’t fit the narrative, does it?  And you lefties who’ve been eating this sh*t up, shame on you.  You bought it, you repeated it and now you believe it, too.  You let Fox News convince you that her imaginary sins are fact.  Not one special prosecutor or one Congressional Committee could do more than slander her.  But you believe it and even as you read this you are condemning my naivete, or worse, and patting yourself on the back for your morally superior judgement.

Despite the cynically created hatred she has never wavered in her goal to be of public service.  To make a difference.  To stand up and take it because that’s what she had to do in order to accomplish the work she was dedicated to.  Along the way her accomplishments as First Lady, as Senator and as Secretary of State have been belittled and trivialized.  And she shrugged the unjust criticism off and went on.  She has accomplished more than nearly any woman in the world and yet she is despised by half the population.

And yes, she is amazing.  She has spent the last couple of years refining policies and positions that would have served our country well.  She was tireless in taking her campaign to people across the country presenting her vision for an inclusive country with a strong middle class and one that helped disadvantaged people in moving from poverty to a living wage.  She even showed how she would pay for it, making our economy more fair by closing corporate loopholes and adjusting the tax burden so the super wealthy paid their fair share rather than being able to avoid taxes for 20 years.

Throughout the campaign she has been maligned from the right and the left.  She faced down the misogyny, bigotry and constant lies of Donald Trump. She was denigrated by Congressional Republicans, investigated by the media, hacked by Russia, attacked by Wikileaks and even had to face election interference from the FBI.  She ran for President as a Democrat at a time when the alt-right is on the rise worldwide.

Hillary Clinton overcame everything thrown at her and she won the popular vote.  That’s amazing!  Donald Trump will be our next President due to our quirky Electoral College.  That’s just very, very sad.

But I repeat.  Hillary Clinton is amazing.  I wish her peace and a well deserved rest in the embrace of her family and loved ones.  She deserves it.