Monday, April 30, 2012

I was never a Republican because

This quote is attributed to Samuel J. Tilden, Governor of New York and Democratic nominee for President, who ran against Republican Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876.  Tilden ran as a reformer after 8 years of the magnificently corrupt administration of General Ulysses S. Grant.  The quote is in Gore Vidal’s historical fiction novel 1876.  (Highly recommended if you enjoy carefully researched history narrated by a fictional character)

“I was never a Republican, Mr. Schuyler, because those gentlemen you mentioned, distinguished as they are, have only one real interest, and that is the making of special laws in order to protect their fortunes.  I know.  In my day I was employed by them as a working lawyer.  I also know that they have no compassion for the masses of people in this country who are without money and who are, many of them, thanks to General Grant and his friends, without food or houses.  I have always thought that only as a Democrat, reflecting Jefferson and Jackson – and our common friend Van Buren – could justice ever be done the people because, at this moment in history, ours is the only party, which is even faintly responsive to the forces of ideas.  That is why I mean to do my very best to fire the majority of the people with a desire for true reform.  I also have every intention of succeeding.  To fail now would be cruel and unthinkable.”

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